Quitting Smoking Makes Me Itchy – What’s Going On?
When people quit smoking, they begin to go through withdrawal symptoms that can range from quite mild to more severe. The body is going through these changes because it is trying to get rid of all the harmful chemicals put into it over the years from smoking cigarettes.
This article will discuss why someone who is quitting smoking gets itchy, the most common places on the body that get itchy, ways to counteract some of the itchiness, and how Joseph R. Giove can help ease the itchiness symptoms with Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.
Why Does Quitting Smoking Make Me Itchy?
When a person has smoked for a long period of time their body gets used to the nicotine and other carcinogens that are inhaled from cigarette smoke. Once those chemicals are taken away, the body and mind have to compensate which then presents withdrawal systems.
One of those symptoms is itching all over the body. The body is trying to revert itself back to normal and is drying out the skin in order to do so, causing topical skin discomfort. Fortunately, this symptom is temporary and will only last a few weeks. If the itching persists longer than a month, consult a doctor because that could mean a more serious condition, such as allergies or an underlying illness.
The Most Common Places That Get Itchy
As the body is ridding itself of the many years of poisons that came from smoking, some rashes, dry skin, and blotches may present themselves. While these skin irritations are annoying to say the least, they are temporary and will go away as long as you remain cigarette free.
Some of the most common places that people get itchy are:
- Face
- Ears
- Scalp
- Arms
- Legs
- Feet
The extremities are the most common places for itching because they have the weakest defence systems. They are the farthest away from your heart and other organs that fight off diseases.
However, some people do experience an overall body itch that makes it feel like your skin is crawling. While some of this is caused by your dry skin, it is also in your mind. There are psychological factors associated with quitting smoking as well.
While people can develop a rash anywhere, the extremities are the most common places and are easily treatable. Should a rash persist for more than a month, or is in a place that makes you really uncomfortable, see a doctor right away.
Ways to Counteract Some of the Itchiness
The best ways to counteract the itching from quitting smoking is to use the same methods that nonsmokers use for these problems. For example, when people get dry skin they use a moisturizing lotion to get the skin back to normal. Dry, itchy skin is common for people when they quit smoking so finding a really good moisturizing lotion is really going to help. The same goes for an itchy scalp. Try a stronger, moisturizing shampoo to get rid of the dry, itchy skin. Coconut oil can also help, and can be applied to all areas of the body, including the scalp.
Some people often get blemishes or acne on their face or other areas. Revert back to your teenage years and use what worked for you then! The best way to clean your face is with regular soap and warm water because it doesn’t add any more oils to your skin than are needed.
If you are itchy in more than one place, then a nice warm bath will help you to relax. Try adding some anti-itching scents or liquids such as honey and cinnamon. This will also help your mind relax so you won’t be thinking about itching.
With the skin crawling issue, sometimes an antihistamine like Benadryl can help ease the itching. However, if it is more of a psychological problem than physical symptoms, then doing an activity to take your mind off the itching is the best way to go. Some good ways to keep busy are:
- Exercise
- Reading
- Going out with a friend
- Concentrate on a work project
However you decide to counteract the itching that is happening from quitting smoking, make sure you stick with it and find the best way to stop the itch. If you stick with it, the itch will eventually subside and you will be much happier! And remember not to scratch!
Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Quitting smoking can be very difficult and stressful. The body goes through many stages of withdrawals, some are mild and some are more severe. One of these symptoms can be constant itching. If the itching is mild and manageable then simply prepare yourself with lotions, creams, and soaps and do the best you can. The itchiness will only last a few weeks. If the itching becomes too intense you might have to see a professional.
Joseph R. Giove is a licensed Clinical Hypnotist with over 30 years of experience helping people quit smoking. He uses the power of the mind to help people break the habit of smoking and help keep them smoke free. Using his techniques will help relax the mind and let you cope with withdrawal symptoms such as intense itching much easier!